Friday 23 December 2016


Image result for virginityImage result for virginity and marriage

Image result for virginImage result for virginity

         A VIRGIN, SO WHAT?
I am a huge fan of virginity. I respect virgins a lot. Nothing
compares with the feeling of being brand new, clean and
untouched till wedding night but excuse me, there is more to a
marriage than virginity.
Marrying as a virgin does not guarantee a good marriage when
other things are lacking. I've seen too many virgins weep in their
marriages. I've seen very good ladies being despised, rejected,
maltreated, disrespected, uncelebrated, unloved and uncared for
by their husbands.
I've also seen virgins with bad character, poor image and what
have you. I heard the story of a wife who not only fought her
father -in -law but grabbed him by his clothes and tore it to
shreds -she married as a virgin. I once worked for a woman
whose husband I pitied the first time I saw her because she was
dirty and nauseating. I was not surprised when she lamented that
her husband was having an affair. She said she was not only hurt
by his cheating, but by the fact that she had married him as a
virgin. I know another one who met her untimely death because
she gave her virginity to the wrong man.
Does that mean marrying as a virgin is bad? No. There are great
benefits in marrying as a virgin and there are countless men and
women enjoying unlimited bliss in their marriages and thanking
God daily they never had sex before marriage.
A successful marriage goes beyond virginity. You need God, you
need sound character and you must marry a person who is
compatible with you -COMPATIBILITY IS COMPULSORY. I can't
tell you the number of marriages in the dustbin because both
partners are not compatible. You must have a strong self esteem
and love your partner unconditionally.
However, making a mistake in the past, having had abortions, or
even worked as a prostitute doesn't mean you will not marry the
right man or enjoy your marriage. God is not bothered about your
past; he doesn't think about your mistakes at all. He is only
concerned about your heart and giving you a beautiful future. I
have seen lots of "bad" ladies enjoying their marriages and I've
seen those who refuse to repent suffer the pain of separation and
Please don't condemn your self because you made some
mistakes. Don't believe the crap that a good marriage is not for
you. Rather, repent from your sins, ask God for help, turn a new
leaf and develop godly character. Your future partner is around
the corner, eagerly waiting for you...
If God forgives us we must forgive ourselves. It is not for us to say that we cannot. God is the Judge, not we. If He forgives, we dare not deny God’s power. Who are we to condemn ourselves when the “Judge of all the Earth” acquits us? (Genesis 18,25) The Bible says: ‘God is just and the justifier of him which believes in Jesus.’ (Romans 3,26) ‘If we confess our sins He is FAITHFUL AND JUST to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.’ (1John 1,9) We can stand before God as if we had never sinned, cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ. What is recorded in His mind, He ‘will remember no more.’ (Hebrews 8,12) God remembers to forget. Aren’t you glad? God bless you.Enjoy bliss for ever more!

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